The American Psychological Association (APA) format is a widely recognized standard for academic writing, particularly in the fields of psychology and social sciences. The latest edition, APA7, introduces important updates and changes from the previous versions. This guide will help you learn the art of formatting an APA7 research paper.
1. Title Page
The title page should include the title of the paper, your name, and your institutional affiliation. The title should be concise and clearly describe your research. Center the title in the upper half of the page. Underneath the title, add your name and the institution you're associated with.
2. Abstract
On a new page, write a brief abstract of your research. The abstract should be a single paragraph, between 150-250 words, summarizing your research topic, research questions, methods, results, and conclusion. Make sure to center and bold the word "Abstract" at the top of the page before the paragraph begins.
3. Main Body
Start the main body of your research paper on a new page. This section should include the introduction, method, results, and discussion of your study.
The introduction should contain your thesis statement and a brief overview of your research topic. A thorough literature review then follows, where you explore the existing work on your topic.
One common mistake writers make is to label the introduction using a heading. APA 7 does not allow this. However, give every other major section of your paper a level one heading.
The method section explains how you conducted your research. It is a vital part of your research paper as it provides the details about how you conducted your study. It is typically broken down into several subsections: participants, materials, and procedures.
The results section provides the data and analyses from your study. The results section is a pivotal part of your research paper as it presents the outcomes of your study. This section is typically divided into two parts: descriptive statistics and inferential statistics.
The discussion interprets your results, linking them back to your research question and the existing literature.
4. Headings and Subheadings
APA7 provides specific guidelines for formatting headings and subheadings. The format varies based on the level of the heading. Level 1 headings are centered and bolded. Level 2 headings are left-aligned and bolded. Levels 3-5 are indented, bolded, and end with a period, with each level employing different usage of italics and capitalization.
5. In-Text Citations
When referencing others' works, APA7 requires in-text citations. These include the author's last name, the year of publication, and, if quoting, the page number. For example: (Smith, 2020, p. 123).
6. Reference List
All sources cited in your paper should be listed on a new page titled "References". This page should list all the sources alphabetically by the authors' last names. Each reference should include the author's name, publication year, the title of the work, and the source.
7. Tables and Figures
Tables and figures in APA7 should each have their own page following the reference list. Each table or figure should be numbered and have a brief descriptive title.
8. Appendices
If your research includes supplementary material, include this in an appendix following your tables and figures.
9. Page Numbers and Running Header
The page number should appear in the top right corner of every page. A running header, which is an abbreviated version of your title, should appear in the upper left of every page.
10. General Format
The entire document should be double-spaced. APA7 has expanded the range of acceptable fonts. In addition to Times New Roman 12, you can also use Calibri 11, Arial 11, Lucida Sans Unicode 10, Georgia 11, or Computer Modern 10.
Understanding and applying APA7 format accurately in your research paper can seem daunting, but it need not be. With patience and practice, it becomes second nature. Remember, our academic paper editing service is always here to provide assistance and ensure that your paper meets all the required standards. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help!