The American Psychological Association (APA) is widely recognized as the standard style guide for academic writing in the social sciences. In October 2019, the APA released the seventh edition of its Publication Manual, bringing about some significant changes to the citation and formatting guidelines. In this blog post, we will discuss the key updates introduced in APA 7 and help you navigate the revised guidelines effectively.
1. Inclusive Language:
APA 7 emphasizes the use of inclusive and unbiased language in scholarly writing. The manual provides guidance on using gender-neutral language and suggests alternatives to biased terms. The focus on inclusivity reflects APA's commitment to promoting fairness and equality in academic discourse.
2. DOI Format:
The seventh edition of APA introduced changes to the formatting of digital object identifiers (DOIs). Previously, DOIs were presented as URLs, but now they are formatted as regular text with the prefix "" This change simplifies DOI formatting and makes it easier for readers to identify and access online resources.
3. Citation Guidelines:
APA 7 introduces some changes to the citation guidelines, particularly for electronic sources. It emphasizes the inclusion of specific publication dates for online sources and encourages the use of permanent links or archived versions of webpages. The manual also provides updated guidance on citing social media posts, online videos, and other digital content.
4. Reference List:
The reference list format has been revised in APA 7 to make it more consistent and user-friendly. It now provides clearer guidelines for formatting different types of sources, such as books, journal articles, and websites. APA 7 also includes specific instructions for citing sources like podcasts, social media, and online videos.
5. Student Papers:
APA 7 introduces changes to the formatting and organization of student papers. It simplifies the guidelines for student title pages, running heads, and headings. The manual also offers guidance on using level headings, which can help organize the structure of longer papers and make them more reader-friendly.
6. Journal Article Reporting Standards (JARS):
APA 7 includes an expanded section on Journal Article Reporting Standards (JARS). These guidelines provide researchers with a framework for reporting and publishing their findings in scientific journals. JARS covers various aspects of research reporting, including participant information, study design, data analysis, and results interpretation.
The release of APA 7 brought several important changes to the citation and formatting guidelines, reflecting the evolving needs of academic writing in the digital age. In this blog post, we discussed the key updates introduced in APA 7, including inclusive language, DOI formatting, citation guidelines, reference list format, student paper organization, and Journal Article Reporting Standards (JARS). Familiarizing yourself with these changes and adhering to APA 7 guidelines will help ensure clarity, consistency, and professionalism in your academic writing.
Remember, this blog post provides only a brief overview of APA 7. For more detailed information, it's essential to consult the official APA Publication Manual or other trusted resources. Happy writing!
Please note that while the above blog post provides a general overview of APA 7, it is always important to consult the official APA Publication Manual or other trusted resources for detailed and up-to-date guidelines. Contact us today for a free manuscript evaluation, or use the comment form below to ask some APA 7 specific questions. Our academic paper editing services can help polish your paper so that it's ready for defense or publication.