Tables and figures play an integral role in academic writing, offering a visual representation of data and findings that can complement and clarify the text. APA7 style has introduced guidelines ensuring consistency and clarity in presenting these elements. Here's a brief guide to help you navigate these standards.
Tables in APA7:
When showcasing quantitative data or information that might be too dense in narrative form, tables come in handy. See the infographic below (and feel free to download and share it) for a quick visual example. Here are the key points to remember for tables:
Sequentially number each table in bold (e.g., Table 1, Table 2) followed by a clear, Italic Title, and both should be positioned above the table.
Horizontal lines should be used to separate the title, headings, and the body of the table, while vertical lines are typically avoided. Most word processing programs will handle this for you.
All numerical data within the table should be aligned, usually to the right, while the text should be aligned to the left.
If abbreviations or specific characters are used, add notes below the table for clarity. Do not use percent signs in the raw table data; only in the headers.
Include a table call-out in the paragraph preceding the table, explaining its purpose and giving the reader a brief introduction to the data it includes.

Figures in APA7:
Figures can encompass various visuals such as graphs, charts, and maps. Here’s how to format them:
Each figure should be labeled with a bold number (e.g., Figure 1, Figure 2) and should have a Title in Italics; both should be placed above the figure.
Legends or keys for the figure should be included, especially if symbols or abbreviations are used.
The figure should be mentioned within the text before it's displayed on the page.
Descriptive captions can be added below the figure to offer further context or explanation.
Avoid using figures from other sources
Accurate formatting of tables and figures is more than just an adherence to APA7 guidelines. It ensures your readers can seamlessly understand and interpret your data and findings. By following these guidelines, your research not only aligns with the established standards but is also presented in a professional and accessible manner.
Struggling with formatting your tables and figures in APA 7? Contact us today for a free sample of our academic APA copyediting services, and be sure to subscribe for more academic writing tips.